Conferences Attended
Here are a few conferences and workshops I have attended, including ones I will attend. One star indicates I presented a talk at the event, and two stars indicates I presented a poster.
If you know me (or otherwise) and would like to meet up, feel free to reach out!
SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (July 11-12, 2022). Pittsburgh, PA.
"Math modeling and social justice", in the Minisymposium on Project-based Mathematical Modeling, Research, and Teacher Education.
*AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting (March 19-20, 2022). Medford, MA.
"The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, in theory and practice", in the Special Session on Mathematics of Data Science.
*AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting (March 11-12, 2022). Charlottesville, VA.
TBD, in the Special Session on Multiparameter Persistence in Theory and Practice.
Cancelled due to COVID.
JMM 2022 (January 5-8, 2022). Seattle, WA.
Postponed due to COVID.
MAA MathFest (August 4-7, 2021). (Online).
PCMI GSS Number Theory Informed by Computation (July 26-30, 2021). (Online) Park City, UT.
PCMI GSS Illustrating Mathematics (July 19-23, 2021). (Online) Park City, UT.
Symposium on Geometry Processing 2021 (July 12-14, 2021). (Online) Toronto, CA.
ICERM Applications of Rough Paths: Computational Signatures and Data Science (July 6 - 9, 2021). (Online) Providence, RI.
MSRI Graduate Summer School (Mathematics of Big Data: Sketching and (Multi-) Linear Algebra) (June 21-July 2, 2021). (Online) Berkeley, CA.
Reed College Mathematics Teacher-Scholar Symposium (May 22-23, 2021). (Online) Portland, OR.
MSRI Hot Topics: Topological Insights in Neuroscience (May 3-7, 2021). (Online) Berkeley, CA.
*OSU TGDA Seminar (March 23, 2021). (Online) Columbus, Ohio.
"Persistent topology of protein space".
*The Ohio River Analysis Meeting (March 20-21, 2021). (Online) Lexington, KY.
"Consistency of spectral flows on graphs".
*AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting (March 13-14, 2021). (Online) Atlanta, GA.
"Graph nodal domains and data", in the Special Session on Graphs in Data Science.
ICERM Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice (March 8-10, 2021). (Online) Providence, RI.
*JMM 2021 (January 6-9, 2021). (Online) Washington, D.C.
"Organizing and running COMAP preparatory workshops: a department's story", in the AMS Special Session on COMAP's Mathematical Modeling Contests: Become An Advisor and Prepare Your Team.
"The Workshop for Inclusive Teaching Practices: organization and impact", in the MAA Contributed Paper Session on Promoting Women in Mathematics.
Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (RASC) sponsored by the US DOE (January 6-7, 2021). (Online) Oak Ridge, TN.
SAMSI Virtual Opening Workshop for the Program on Data Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (January 5, 11, 12, 2021). (Online) Durham, NC.
AMS Short Course on Mathematical and Computational Methods for Complex Social Systems (January 3-5, 2021). (Online) Washington, D.C.
TAGMaC (December 8-9, 2020). (Online) Chapel Hill, NC.
*Workshop for Inclusive Teaching Practices (December 5, 2020). (Online) Chapel Hill, NC.
Randomized Algorithms for Scientific Computing (RASC) sponsored by the US DOE (December 2-3, 2020). (Online) Oak Ridge, TN.
*virtual Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) (November 30-December 4, 2020). (Online) Orlando, FL.
Workshop on Math Modeling for High School students.
*AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting (October 10-11, 2020). (Online) Chattanooga, TN.
"A Graph Spectral Flow for Computing Nodal Deficiencies", in the Special Session on Advances in Graph Theory.
*AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting (September 12-13, 2020). (Online) El Paso, TX.
*Florida Association of Science Teachers Mini-Conference (July 21-23, 2020). (Online).
ICERM Workshop on Circle Packings and Geometric Rigidity (July 6-10, 2020). (Online) Providence, RI.
PCMI GSS on Number Theory (July 5-25, 2020). Park City, UT.
Cancelled due to Coronavirus.
MSRI Summer school on Random Graphs (June 29-July 10, 2020). Berkeley, CA.
Cancelled due to Coronavirus.
**MIT OTAA workshop (May 18-22, 2020). Cambridge, MA.
Cancelled due to Coronavirus.
MSRI Hot topics: Optimal Transport (May 4-8, 2020). (Online) Berkeley, CA.
*Ohio River Analysis Meeting (March 28-29, 2020). Lexington, KY.
Cancelled due to Coronavirus.
*AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional (March 13-15, 2020). Charlottesville, VA.
Cancelled due to Coronavirus.
Quantitative Investigations of Gerrymandering and Redistricting (March 2-4, 2020). Durham, NC.
**SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDEs (December 11-14, 2019). La Quinta, CA.
MSRI Recent Developments in Microlocal Analysis (October 14-18, 2019). Berkeley, CA.
**SIAM SEAS Annual Meeting (September 20-22, 2019). Knoxville, TN.
**ICERM Illustrating Geometry and Topology (September 16-20, 2019). Providence, RI.
SAMSI Opening Workshop on Deep Learning (August 12-16, 2019). Durham, NC.
SNAP Summer School in Microlocal Analysis (July 29-August 9, 2019). Evanston, IL.
Conference on Nonlinear PDEs and Applications (July 9-12, 2019). Ann Arbor, MI.
Workshop on Variational Problems in Physics (May 20-24, 2019). Toulouse, FR.
Workshop on Mathematical Models for Pattern Formation (March 8-10, 2019). Pittsburgh, PA.
Current Developments in Math (November 16-17, 2018). Cambridge, MA.
TRIPODS Center Workshop: Theory and Foundations of TGDA (May 21-25, 2018). Columbus, OH.
ISM Discovery School in Shape Optimization and Spectral Geometry (May 14-18, 2018). Montreal, Quebec, CA.
DASIV Spring School: Models and Data (February 22-25, 2018). Columbia, SC.
AMS Sectional Meeting (November 12-13, 2016). Raleigh, NC.
PCMI Undergraduate Summer School (June 21-July 18, 2016), The Mathematics of Data. Midway, UT.
Topology, Geometry, and Data Analysis Conference (May 16-20, 2016). Columbus, OH.